17 August 2008

Glass Ceiling Shattered in NYC

All over the city the glass is raining down. More construction woes in Manhattan.

On another note, it's a little easier finding a job in Milwaukee these days. Little=.2%. Milwaukee's unemployment rate went down from last year at this time. I sure as hell couldn't find many good jobs there. But I guess the health care system is keeping people employed, 140,000 people strong (see Baby Boomers). Still, the job market everywhere persists to be shitty.

And wouldn't ya know? Milwaukee is the third best city to commute in. Look at these stats from Forbes:
Commuting to work in downtown Milwaukee is pretty easy. The city is compact enough that 45% of people get to their job in under 20 minutes, with only 3.2% of residents spending an hour or more en route to work. Both figures are significantly better than national averages. Only 15% of residents use an option other than driving alone, but you can't really blame them; the average citizen spends only 19 hours a year in traffic.

I never thought I'd miss my car. 19 hours a year in traffic? I spend at least 10 hours a week on the train to/from work. I miss rolling out of bed a half hour before work and still being on time.

I need a(nother) vacation

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