05 August 2008

At Least the Road/Bridge to Hell Will Be Paved?

So, I'm (almost) officially a New Yorker now, at least by some measure. General consensus is: If you lived somewhere for a year, you're in; you can assume the appropriate city-suffix (-ite, -er, -ean, and so on). I suppose a year is enough time to become well-acclimated, well-adjusted, to make it or break it, to call someplace home. Isn't it the standard by which college admissions consider you a resident of the state? Pretty sure, but no time to research that now; I read the news today, and goodness.

New York has a budget crisis. And one solution proposed to help pay for infrastructure is to sell/substantially loan major roadways and bridges--yup, the Brooklyn Bridge, no less--to private companies who will maintain it and reap the profit from tolls. Yeesh! I guess NYC isn't the first though. Same happened with Chicago's Skyway. And it's been done in other states as well. It seems Wall Street will be jumping into infrastructure in the coming years, and that may also include airports.

'!'...that about sums it up.

So does this:

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